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Automotive warranty This is not ideal, and that is why there are some safeguards that will pay the repair shop directly so you never have to spend a dime out of pocket. What is very useful about this law as regards lemons in California, is if the vehicle is in danger or could cause bodily harm or death, then you can immediately demand the law be enforced.

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Niche cars like Mini Coopers or Hummers do not always have a dealership around non-metropolitan areas and may require a supplement to be delivered, if they can be guaranteed to all. A guarantee of the car is usually an insurance cover granted for a period of time during which the installation is due.

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With all the above obstacles, it is difficult to imagine receive peace of mind if you actually need to use your service contract. If you are still not satisfied with the results, you can take your case to the formal court with a lawyer lemon law.

